
Teacher Unit Plan

Unit: History of New York City
Theme: Change over time
Content Areas: Social Studies, English Language Arts, and English as a Second Language

Grade level: 2nd
Language Level: Low intermediate to advanced level and transitional ELLs

Content objectives-
*Students will demonstrate understanding of how NYC has changed over time.
*Students will apply their knowledge of how NYC has changed over time to predict what it will be like in the future.
*Students will evaluate the reasons for how and why
NYC has changed over time.
*Students will compare and contrast NYC then and now.

Language objectives-
*Students will write sentences using cause and effect verbs and phrases to describe how New York City has changed over time.
*Students will verbally discuss how people effect the cultural landscape of NYC as well as are affected by it.
*Students will complete sentence frames to show reading and listening comprehension and visual evaluation.
*Students will use the Future Tense with Will to describe NYC in the future.

Technology objectives-
*Students will use a variety of media as research sources.
*Students will use a variety of media to create products that demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the main concept.

ESL Standards:
Standard 1
Students will read, write, listen and speak in English for information and understanding.
P.2. Read, gather, view, listen to, organize, discuss, and interpret information related to academic content areas from various sources.
P.4. Compare, contrast, and categorize, to gain a deeper understanding of information and objects.
Standard 3
Students will read, write, listen and speak in English for critical analysis and evaluation.
P.7. Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings to read, gather, share, discuss, interpret, organize, and present information. Such groupings include small groups, cooperative learning
P.9. Apply learning strategies to examine, interpret, and evaluate a variety of materials.
Standard 4
Students will read, write, listen and speak in English for class and social interaction.
P.1. Use a variety of oral, print, and electronic forms for social communication and for writing to or for self, applying the conventions of social writing.
P.4. Listen attentively and take turns speaking when engaged in pair, group, or full-class discussions on personal, social, and academic topics.
Standard 5
Students will demonstrate cross-cultural knowledge and understanding.
P.6. Recognize and demonstrate an appreciation of some commonalities and distinctions across cultures and groups (differentiated by gender, ability, generations, etc.) including the students’ own.

ELA Standards:
Standard 1
Students will read, write, listen and speak for information and understanding.
Standard 3
Students will read, write, listen and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.
Standard 4
Students will read, write, listen and speak for social interaction.

Social Studies Standards:
Standard 1 - History of the United States and New York
-Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York.
-Students will gather and organize information about the traditions transmitted by various groups living in their neighborhood and community.
-Students will view historic events through the eyes of those who were there, as shown in their art, writings, music, and artifacts.
Standard 2 - Geography
-Students will investigate how people depend on and modify the physical environment.
-Students will analyze geographic information by making relationships, interpreting trends and relationships, and analyzing geographic data.

1. Creativity and Innovation
b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
2. Communication and Collaboration
d. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
3. Research and Information Fluency
b. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
a.identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.
b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
Digital Citizenship
b. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.

Instructional Modifications:
Repetition, pairing students according to NYSESLAT scores and language ability, use of visual aids, and use of technology.

Materials/ Technologies:
Paper, crayons, markers, venn diagram, Henry Hudson gaphic organizer, Then and Now drawing graphic organizer, sticky notes, MS Word, Scribd, Voki, blogger, YouTube, historical photographs of BayRidge and P.S. 170 and Read Write Think Flipbook Creator.

Mace, A. (March 1997) New York City Buildings (Books for Young Learners). Richard C. Owens
Publishers: New York

Marx, D.F. (March 2000) New York City (Rookie Read About it Geography). Children's Press:

Rotner, S. (October 1999) Citybook. Sagebrush Education Resources: New York.

Yolen , J. (June 1996) Sky Scrape/ City Scape: Poems of City Life. Boyds Mills Press:
New York.

Connection-Students have been learning about the special features of NYC as an urban community, the diverse range of ethnic groups living in NYC, and the different types of transportation that people use in NYC

Motivation-Show pictures of how the school and their surrounding neighborhood has changed over time. Have students describe if they notice any similarities/ differences between the photographs. Have them discuss the reasons behind the changes.

Day 1 Overview- Students will work in groups of 3 to complete a jigsaw activity. Students will learn the early history of NYC as background information. Students will use this information to compare NYC then and now. They will use a variety of online material to research and reflect upon. Sentence frames will be provided to aid language development. The activities, roles, and sentence frames are differentiated according to language level and learning styles.

Day 2 Overview- Students will begin exploring how NYC has changed over time by looking at the evolution of the skyscraper. Students will explore websites, watch short video clips, and read non-fiction books about skyscrapers. They will consider the human and environmental factors that have led to these changes in structural design. They will track their own learning by filling out a KWL chart and using sticky notes to jot down answers to their own questions.

Day 3 Overview- Students will learn about how NYC neighborhoods have changed over time. By exploring websites and watching a video clip, they will evaluate the important changes these neighborhoods have gone through and how their inhabitants feel about them.

Final Project-
Students will create an informational flipbook showing what they have learned about NYC changing over time and apply that knowledge to construct their own vision of how NYC will look like in the future. They will also have to write 5 sentences to justify their decisions and point of view.

Assessment- Students will be graded on their final project. A rubric and checklist is provided for the students at the end of the lesson. They may review it ahead of time.

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